What happened, man?
Marta's looking for you.
Something about her making dinner.
-This is kilIing me.
-What's wrong?
I hate being pIayed with.
Don't think so much about it.
Dog eat dog, man.
The ship's sinking.
lf things get rough
they'Il drop us Iike a bad habit.
-A risk we always knew about.
-But we can't come back.
l know, I'd be leaving
my grandma behind.
You shouId think more about her.
Don't worry about her.
She's my probIem.
Besides, we're better off in Spain
even if this faIls through.
l don't feel right going around
talking buIlshit.
We're musicians, man.
What do we care
-about politics?
-Then where's the probIem?
Leaving isn't the same
if it's for good.
Don'tget worked up over it.
Man, the euro, tours...
We're going to make a record
with more than 100,000 copies
aIready soId.
Be smart, bro.
This is the best we've got.
l know, man.
But not like this.
I can't do it.
I don't want to be used,
lt has to be about the music,
not just some assholes
who could give a shit aboutthis
country trying to get rich off us.
Don't give me that, Ruy.
Look, doing the concert
wilI open otherdoors.
-And waitanotherfew years? No way.
-We're Iocking ourselves in here.
What do you care?
Caridad's taking the kids.
lt'lI be easierto go see them
from Spain.
If they screw us,
we dump the lot of them.
I can't do this without you.
Man, trust me.
-Come on, it's late.
-l'II go with you.
What? No, you stay here
with Marta. Keep her happy.
She can go pIay with
someone eIse.
Don't get cocky.
There are plenty of Cubans around.
Not Iike you and me.
Get reaI, bro!