l'lI be frank with you guys.
This contract,
reIatively speaking, is crap.
lf you were established
musicians you'd throw it back
in my face.
But you're getting started
and it's reasonable.
It lasts for three years.
During that time
the company owns your work.
-AIl of it?
-AIl of it.
Nothing is done without
the company's consent.
That has to be totalIy cIear.
-You foIlow me?
-Get me out ofhere
and I'Il foIlow you anywhere.
From the moment we leave Havana,
and during the first six months,
the company wiII take care of you.
In Madrid you'Il have
room and board
and spending money.
After six months,
you're on your own.
With what money?
Your cutof concert profits.
What's our cut?
25 percentthe first year.
Itgrows yearly up to 60 percent.
-Is that enough to live on?
-Notat first,
but I think you'Il be fine
in no time.
Just watch your expenses.
Let's continue.
No royaIties wilI be paid
until recording and marketing
expenses are covered.
-So we pay for the recording?
-Of course.
We front you the money.
It's our investment,
we're taking the risk.
Who decides when
expenses are covered?
The company, obviousIy.
But you can solicit information.
And finaIly, during these
three years of contract,
50 percent of
the editoriaI rights
-go to the company.
-What's left for us?
You expect us to spend three years
living for your company?
We've aIways been poor, man.
It's no big deaI.
Nobody gets rich off my work.
Whoeverdoesn't want
to be exploited
can just not sign.
Okay, Iet's stay calm.
My company wants to invest in you.
They'II guarantee a record a year
foreach group and a single