-Is that enough to live on?
-Notat first,
but I think you'Il be fine
in no time.
Just watch your expenses.
Let's continue.
No royaIties wilI be paid
until recording and marketing
expenses are covered.
-So we pay for the recording?
-Of course.
We front you the money.
It's our investment,
we're taking the risk.
Who decides when
expenses are covered?
The company, obviousIy.
But you can solicit information.
And finaIly, during these
three years of contract,
50 percent of
the editoriaI rights
-go to the company.
-What's left for us?
You expect us to spend three years
living for your company?
We've aIways been poor, man.
It's no big deaI.
Nobody gets rich off my work.
Whoeverdoesn't want
to be exploited
can just not sign.
Okay, Iet's stay calm.
My company wants to invest in you.
They'II guarantee a record a year
foreach group and a single
based on each group's
We can'teven negotiate editorial
rights? 50 percent is pretty high.
You'd complain if you
got screwed with vaseline.
You want it to hurt.
listen up. My advice is
don't dweIl on
the contract detaiIs.
Considerthe possibiIities
it opens up to you. AlI musicians
have to start somewhere.
They're out there waiting,
dreaming of being discovered
by someone who'lI produce them.
That's what this company
is offering you.
So we should be grateful
on top of it.
Why not?
To a certain extent, yes.
Frankly, we depend on them
-and they don't depend on us.
-Not quite.
They take advantage
of oursituation.
-You don't know what you're saying.
-And you do?
Maybe you guys have
a juicier contract
-than we do.
-Man, don't go there.
Easy, feIlas. You can say
whatever you want,
but don't get nervous.
Any more comments?