to work for squat...
and we have to smiIe about it.
We're not starving here, bro.
We're hungry,
but l'lI eat a brick
before I make some company rich.
Does that mean you won't sign?
You can say it louder, Marta.
But not any cIearer.
Can you give us a second?
Thanks. Leave us, Rober.
l expected this from Gorki,
but not from you.
I consider us friends.
I'm asking you
-to think this through.
-l have, Marta.
The contract is abusive
and your plans for us are buIlshit.
l know it sucks but
it's the best I can do for now.
Maybe once in Spain Marta can
negotiate for you guys on the side.
You have no chance here.
If you don't sign,
Tito can'tgo either.
We'Il be fine, don't worry.
-You're making a huge mistake.
-Perhaps, but I feeI great.
How's that fora bad contract?
-None whatsoever.
-I've betrayed a lot of people.
lncluding myseIf.
But never my music.
It's the only reaI thing I have.
Avery moving speech.
l hope you're good in bed,
you fucking idiot. in a few months
you'Il remembertoday
and realize how stupid you were.
You'lI be back in Iine waiting for
a new producerto come.
Maybe he'lI like mulattos like you
and it'lI be your ass next time,
free of charge!
Ruy, pIease.
l shouId punch you
in the face, Lorenzo.