Habana Blues

-There's nothing to say.
-Don't be such a pussy.

TaIk to him, work it out.
You're too old for this crap.

It's notcrap. He almost got me
taken off the project.

Is it his fauIt?
He's the onIy guiIty party?

He's the one who quit!
He chose his path,
and you chose yours.

After aIl these years?
I don't wantto leave without him!

Then Iook.
It's right if frontof you,
you hear me?

If you decided to leave once
and for aIl despite everything,

then go ahead.
Leave aIready, dammit.

Just stop whining
aboutthe damn trip!

Whatabout you?
What about me?
-What wiIl we do with you?
-l can take care of myseIf.

I never needed anybody,
you hear?

Forget about me.
Go get famous.
And send me cash every month.
Where are you going?
To geta bottle of rum.
Mine is aImost out.
Take an umbreIla!
Okay, bro. It's time.
