and that fried maIanga
back in Havana..."
Give me a kiss.
Back off, you homo.
Come on.
l can't Iet you have
alI the glory.
Good evening,
ladies and gentIemen.
Ladies and gentlemen,
guys and dolIs...
Tonight, undera fuIl moon,
we have the pIeasure to witness
the musical debut of
one of ourvery own new stars.
Ladies and gentlemen,
dear family, alI of Cuba...
Ruy Santos!
And the co-star,
or shouId I say the other star,
since they're together again...
And the two of them together
are Iike one...
even if they are the biggest
troublemakers in alI ofHavana...
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you...
Ruy Santos and Tito Garcia!
Go get 'em, boys!
Good evening, Havana!
we're cIaiming our right
to delirium and utopia.
Havana rocks!