I need to talk to that motherfucker!You hear me?
I want to talk to that fucker right now!
I want that motherfucker!
You find that bastard now,or I am gonna...
I'm gonna shoot my whore wife,and I'm gonna shoot the boy!
Joe, just relax,
Relax, We're lookingfor your wife's boyfriend,
- and I'm gonna find him, all right?- You want to help me?
Which one do I shoot first? Do I shootthe whore, or do I shoot the whore's boy?
Huh? You help me choose!
No, no, Joe,nobody wants to hear gunshots in there,
You scare us all out here,
Now look,I've been trying to help you all day,
All right, You want me to help you,you gotta help me,
You don't know what it's like, man.
You do not know what it's like.
You do not know what I've been through.You don't know what I'm going through.
You don't think I got the balls, do you?
I know you got the balls, Joe,
- No, you don't think I'm gonna do it.- Joe, you got the gun,
You can do whatever you want,
I feel so tired, man.When in Christ am I gonna sleep?
I know you're tired, Joe,You've been up all night,
Come on, Let me come down there,
- What do you say?- No! No, no!
Fuck you!