Now, no one will notice.
Work the hair.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I don't know any of these people.
Sure, you do.
They're all in your class.
There's... Jason, football.
And Luke, soccer.
I know them but I...
I don't actually talk to them.
I don't talk to guys or... people.
Well, now would be
the perfect time to start.
- Hey, Kyle.
- Hey.
Casey, Kyle. Kyle plays hockey.
- Casey skates.
- Hey.
You guys have a lot in common.
Have fun.
But... I...
- So you skate, huh?
- Figure, uh... skate.
- Figure skate.
- Oh.
I wouldn't let the rest of the team
hear this but
you guys could probably
skate circles around us.
But not pushing a puck.
Why don't you come to our next game?
Go! Go! Go!
- Uh-oh.
- What?
Well, assuming his weight
to be about 150lbs,
at that rate of descent, his
estimated trajectory would bring him...
...directly through the window.
I mean, it's a simple
V times M equals A miscalculation.
You know, velocity times momentum
equals acceleration.
Yeah, I have to, um...