- Something wrong, Mr. Bast?- No, not at all.
I was curious if you'dstarted weighing college options.
Options? Uh...
Heard of the Helen StollerPhysics Scholarship?
It's given to a student from this statewho shows most promise in science.
Wouldn't that be Ann or... Wyatt?
No, it's you.
You have a calling, Casey.
I do?
- What is it?- Physics.
- Uh... sure.- You're very lucky.
Most people search theirwhole lives for their calling.
- How do you know you have a calling?- Your brilliant teacher tells you.
And of course your 11 straight A-pluseson exams is a hint.
You'll need a letter from mefor the scholarship
and think about a specialphysics project over the summer.
Something unusual but personal.
Let them know you a little.
- He says it's my calling.- QED.
How is this "quite easily demonstrated"?You're as good in physics as I am.
Not even close. I grind, you glide.
Event horizon.
One day that guy will wake upand realize he needs a math tutor.
And that tutor will be me.
Figure out how to get us invited toeven one party and you win the Nobel.