Kicking and Screaming

for the coaches
to come up here

to tell us a little
about their team.

All right.

How about I bring up
someone who's new
to coaching in this league,

but is close to me?
I love him like a son.
Come on up, Phil.

Come on, Phil.

Come on, Philly. Come on.
Go. Yes.
Good guy. Good guy.
[man whistling]
Good to see you.
Thanks, Dad.
Uh, thanks, Janice.
Hello, uh,
I'm, uh, I'm Phil Weston.
And you got balls!
[audience laughing]
He's got vitamins.
[audience laughing]
That's very funny, Dad.

So when I took over
for Coach Benson--

I hear he's a woman now.
[audience laughing]
Actually, uh, truth be told,
no one knows
where he is right now.

A lot of people
are concerned.

[audience laughing]
I don't know
why that's funny.

God, I'm going to be honest,
I--I didn't plan on
speaking tonight.

I--I was-- I was
actually hoping that

my--my assistant coach
would be here,

uh, to kind of...
[audience murmuring]
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to introduce
Mike Ditka.

[audience cheering]
It's Mike Ditka, everyone!
Say a few words.
Thanks, Paul,
thanks, everybody.
It's--It's great to be here

and, uh, gonna have
a lot of fun tonight.

Paul's got the Tigers
on the move.

All right!
You live long enough,
you see everything.

Iron Mike and Aluminum Phil
coaching the Tigers.

[audience laughing]
I couldn't really hear you.
My Super Bowl ring
was making too much noise.

You see it, Dad?
Right there, Dad.
That was a great one.

Read it and weep.
[audience applauding]
Ditka is a great coach,
we understand that,
but he's a football coach.


And we are
still losing, Phil.

Okay, I understand
your concern about our record,
