but with me
it's not about win-lose.
We are going to win one game
eventually, right?
Well, we've had
a rocky start,
but with
a strong team effort,
we will win some
I think.
there's no "l" in team.
But there is an "l"
in win.
There is an "l" in win.
Hey, wait.
Uh, parents,
I didn't see you step up
when the team was in need.
Phil is not
the greatest coach
in the world,
I'll give you that,
but at least he's trying.
I can defend myself,
You think he enjoys losing
week after week,
in front of his own son?
You're making it worse.
You're making it worse.
What's with the birds?
That was weird.
I've got my hands full
with Hunter.
I don't need a bird.
Okay, you know what?
You got me. All right?
The finches were
a bad idea.
And I wasn't going to
say this, but I think
some of them have salmonella.
A fair amount, in fact.
I may have inadvertently
poisoned your children.
You and l,
we got something going.
You know, maybe we can coach
the Little League together.
You really
think that, huh?
Coach Ditka?
Hi. Um, uh, our son,
Byong Sun, he's very shy
and I was just wondering--
Sure. Yeah, I'd be glad to.
Thank you so much.
How do you spell that?
It's, uh, Byong Sun.
I think I got it.
Oh, oh, okay,
thank you.
Thanks, Phil.
Yeah. They're great.
Just a wonderful couple.
Bing Bong?
Hey, Philly.
Yeah, Dad.
Hey, I've been
meaning to talk to you
about this Ditka thing.
I don't like it one bit.
Yeah, well, he's right here.
I'm not blind.
What, are you trying
to stick it to the old man?
You go to my mortal enemy
for help?
That's no way
to talk about your neighbor.
Oh, yeah?
He's right.
I hated him
from the first time
I laid eyes on him.
Maybe even before that,
because I know
you're the guy that wrote
"Ditka sucks" on my driveway.
What are you
even doing here?
You're just doing this
to get under my skin.
I'm glad you figured it out.
And I'm getting under
your skin.
It's gonna get
a lot worse
before it gets better.
In your dreams.
Hey, why don't you take
that pretty young wife
of yours and go home?