Shut up out there!
You shut up in there!
Come on, everyone.
Bay at the moon.
[all howling]
[all screaming]
[dogs barking]
Ooh, I don't know.
The lrish Cream
sounds good, huh?
What's that?
Uh, it's cream
and it's, uh, it's lrish.
Hurry up and order.
Excuse me. Thank you.
How about a smoothie?
What's in that?
Smoothie's a juice drink.
We want coffee.
Buddy, relax.
No, you relax.
I'm a regular here.
This line needs to move.
I beg your pardon.
Do you have scones?
Tall, non fat,
double latte--
Sir, you're at
the back of the line.
I recognize that!
Cut it out or
you're out of here.
You can't
kick me out!
You know,
you're--you're really
invading my ear space.
I'm a frequent
coffee drinker.
I'm part of the club.
I have a card.
Do you have a card?
Do you have a card?
No, I don't
have a card.
Does anyone here
have a card?
We don't have
frequent drinker cards.
That's a video club card.
Zip it there,
Sporty Spice.
Are we doing this?
Is this
happening now?
Yeah. Wanna go?
I'd love to.
Let's do it. Come on.
You're hurting me!
You're hurting me!
What is wrong
with you, Derrick?
I thought
we were friends!
My name is Andy!
Your name is Liar,
'cause you're telling lies.
You know what the odds are
I will never come
back here again?
There's a good
chance of that!
That's a chance
we'll have to take.
Okay, if that's how
you want to play it.
I am disappointed!
Get the door! Get the--
[indistinct chattering]
Tigers, bring it in.
Let's go.
Let's go, guys.
[whistle blowing]
All right, Tigers.