He's washed up.
It's all over town.
This jumped-up little turd's
gonna bankrupt us.
The animal footage has value.
Sure. Universal are
desperate for stock footage.
Then sell it!
Scrap the picture.
We got to retrieve something
from this debacle.
Get him back in.
Mr. Denham.
I want the cast and crew
on the ship within the hour.
No, Carl,
you can't do this.
Tell them the studio pressured
us into an early departure.
It's not ethical! What
are they gonna do, sue me?
They can get in line.
I'm not gonna let them
kill my film.
You realize that none of the
camera equipment is on board?
We have no permits,
no visas.
That's why I have you,
We have no insurance,
we have no foreign currency.
In fact, we have
no currency of any kind.
He's there.
Get in there. Who's
gonna pay for the ship?
Get in.
You get out of there! Come
here! Step on it! Step on it!
Get out!
You're finished, Denham!
Don't worry, Preston. I've
had a lot of practice at this.
I'm real good
at crapping the crappers.
Red Label, 80% proof...
to be packed in a crate
marked "lemonade. "
You got it.
Tell Maureen she doesn't have
six hours to put on her face.
If she wants to be in this picture,
she's gotta be on that boat.
She doesn't wanna be
in this picture.
Maureen pulled out.
She pulled out?
Yesterday. I told you.
You said we were shooting
in Singapore, right?
That's what you told her.
Yeah, but we're not
shooting in Singapore.
God damn it, Preston, all you had to
do was look her in the eye and lie.
I got to get to a phone,
talk to Harlow's people.
She's unavailable.
Myrna Loy? Clara Bow?
Mae West?
You'll never get her
into a size four.
You gotta get a girl that'll
fit into Maureen's costumes.