Get out!
You're finished, Denham!
Don't worry, Preston. I've
had a lot of practice at this.
I'm real good
at crapping the crappers.
Red Label, 80% proof...
to be packed in a crate
marked "lemonade. "
You got it.
Tell Maureen she doesn't have
six hours to put on her face.
If she wants to be in this picture,
she's gotta be on that boat.
She doesn't wanna be
in this picture.
Maureen pulled out.
She pulled out?
Yesterday. I told you.
You said we were shooting
in Singapore, right?
That's what you told her.
Yeah, but we're not
shooting in Singapore.
God damn it, Preston, all you had to
do was look her in the eye and lie.
I got to get to a phone,
talk to Harlow's people.
She's unavailable.
Myrna Loy? Clara Bow?
Mae West?
You'll never get her
into a size four.
You gotta get a girl that'll
fit into Maureen's costumes.
Fay's a size four.
Yes, she is, but she's
doing a picture with RKO.
Cooper, huh?
I might have known.
You're not listening.
We got to delay the shoot.
Shut production down.
We can't sail tonight.
Not an option.
I said I'd find a girl.
For God's sake, Preston,
think like a winner!
Call Jack. I need that
goddamn screenplay!
Defeat is always momentary.