Put it away, Charlie.
Don't be so jumpy, kid.
What are you doing?
Watching your back.
I don't like it when
you go off without me.
I told you
to get things ready.
I got things ready...
then I come
to watch your back.
Christ! This is like
a bad dream.
I have bad dreams.
Hell, yes. Just look at me,
you can tell
I have terrible dreams.
Riley, what's your 20?
We checked out the town.
There's plenty of supplies,
but a lot of walkers.
Where's Cholo?
He dumped the trash,
and he's on his way back.
We're ready to go in.
Put some flowers
in the graveyard.
"Flowers in the graveyard."
Why do you
call them that, Riley?
I don't get it.
These here flowers
ain't the kind you lay down
on the ground.
These here are sky flowers,
way up in heaven.
That's why I love you,
Charlie. Because you still
believe in heaven.
Lord, yeah.
I mean, look.
Nice driving.
Riley, looks like God's
left the phone off the hook,
huh, baby?
Go get my ride.
Get yours, too.
What's the matter?
You look like shit, man.
Didn't I tell you
not to bang chicks...
with problems worse than you?
When are going to listen me?
You done?
I'm never done, baby. Why?
The town's full of walkers.
Yeah, but every town
is full of walkers.
No, these guys are
not just walking. It's like
they're communicating.
They're thinking,
and there's something
going on.
But they're dumb, Riley.
Well, hell.
Dead folks is near
as dumb as me.
You learned
to make yourself useful,
didn't you?
That's what they're doing.