Land of the Dead

Nice driving.
Riley, looks like God's
left the phone off the hook,
huh, baby?

Go get my ride.
Get yours, too.

What's the matter?
You look like shit, man.

Didn't I tell you
not to bang chicks...

with problems worse than you?
When are going to listen me?

You done?
I'm never done, baby. Why?

The town's full of walkers.
Yeah, but every town
is full of walkers.

No, these guys are
not just walking. It's like
they're communicating.

They're thinking,
and there's something
going on.

But they're dumb, Riley.
Well, hell.
Dead folks is near
as dumb as me.

You learned
to make yourself useful,
didn't you?

That's what they're doing.

Make yourself useful.
You don't got one
redeeming defect,
do you, son, huh?

I got this! I got this!
You got that?
You got that, too.

Come on. Let's get to work
before I forget what it is
I do for a living.

Cholo, I'm talking to you.
[Fireworks exploding]
All right, what?
Things are changing.

Just be careful.
We go in, we do our job...

and we get the fuck
out of there. Everyone alive.

Now, you take command
of this unit, you can run it
any way you like.

But tonight,
it's my last night out.
I don't want any fuck-ups.

So, that's what it's about?
You're not going to dump these
recycled delinquents on me.

I don't want to take command.
Because you know what?
Tonight's my last night,
too, baby.

Hey, you. Come here,
you little nose-picker.

You been with Riley all day
painting the town beige?

I'm gonna show you
how it's done. Come on.

What'd he do,
win the lottery or something?

How come you guys
always go out at night?

Wouldn't it be safer
in the daytime?

Fireworks, kid.
Stenches can't keep
their eyes off them.
