- Good morning, class. - Good morning, Mr. Rodney!
Thank you very much. Can I haveeverybody standing up straight?
Standing up nice and tall,like you're about to enter a ballroom.
Which is what you're about to do.
Show me some imagination, all right?Here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen,please enter the ballroom...
and create a circle.
Enter the ballroom and create a circle.
Feet together.
All right.
Do you know what I'm gonna dojust because I want to be in style...
and I want to look like everybody else?
I'm gonna do this.
Oh, my God.
How would you like itif I taught class like this?
- Does it look nice? Does it look stylish?- No.
No, right? It looks pretty bad, doesn't it?
All right. So, can I have the gentlementuck their shirts in, please?
Can I have the gentlementuck their shirts in, please?
You don't have totake off your pants to do it.
One, two, pronounce: Merengue.
Who knows what countrymerengue came from?
- Italy?- Okay.
- Dominican Republic.- Absolutely. What's your name?
Dominican Republic, ladies and gentlemen.
Gentlemen, take your partner, please.
Elbows together. Okay, make yourself taller.
Very good, very good.
It's okay, it's okay. He will help you.
- I don't know how...- He'll remember. Let me help you.