- Kyle, over here.
- Fraser!
Man, it's good to see you.
Listen... Jesus!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- I'm taking pictures.
- I'm a photographer!
- Of Fraser's arm!
I tracked it through the swamp
like I've done for months.
This time I got so close.
What did you do to my Deputy?
Where's the rest of him?
Don't know.
His arm was there.
Shut up!
I've tried to get Big Foot.
A year in Nevada in Area 51.
I got zip, man, nothing.
But what I got tonight, man...
will streak your shorts.
We'll go to my shack, man.
I'll show you the pictures.
- Fuck me.
- You know what?
That thing's probably
sniffing us out as we speak.
You show me.
Check this out, man.