- I'm a photographer!
- Of Fraser's arm!
I tracked it through the swamp
like I've done for months.
This time I got so close.
What did you do to my Deputy?
Where's the rest of him?
Don't know.
His arm was there.
Shut up!
I've tried to get Big Foot.
A year in Nevada in Area 51.
I got zip, man, nothing.
But what I got tonight, man...
will streak your shorts.
We'll go to my shack, man.
I'll show you the pictures.
- Fuck me.
- You know what?
That thing's probably
sniffing us out as we speak.
You show me.
Check this out, man.
What? Bywater by night.
Look closer, Sheriff.
Who killed Fraser?
Fuck pictures!
Sheriff, take a closer look.
Come on, you'll see it.
It's like the nature of fear.
No, it's a trick.
- It's not possible.
- What?
I don't believe it.
What is that?
- That's a man.
- Yeah!
It's the man-thing, man!
All right... it's not perfect.
- But look at that thing!
- Pack your things.
It's evidence. Come with me
- No, I can't leave here.
- Yeah, you and all your crap...
or I'll cuff you and drag you
out on your ass!