How dare you?
Get your hands off my neck.
Where are they?
Get him off me !
Tak e you hands off me !
Open the door!
Where are they?
Keep him there.
Dr Dodd is very ill .
A contagion from
the savages.
Let no one in !
The history of humanity is
lik e a gigantic tree. . .
. . .of which we only see
the uppermost branches.
And this prompts us to ask
where do we come from?
Where are our roots
to be found?
Today, we can demarcate
three great races :
The white, or Caucasian .
The yellow, or Asiatic.
And the black, or Negroid .
Within these are
many sub-classes.
Caucasian Aryans,
American Indians. . .
Australian Aborigines and the
latest the Melanesian Negro.
I have the privilege to present
to you evidence of a new race.
More ancient
of any of the others.
And I have to say, the first
time we caught sight of these. . .
beings. . . I felt lik e Columbus
discovering America .