Where are our roots
to be found?
Today, we can demarcate
three great races :
The white, or Caucasian .
The yellow, or Asiatic.
And the black, or Negroid .
Within these are
many sub-classes.
Caucasian Aryans,
American Indians. . .
Australian Aborigines and the
latest the Melanesian Negro.
I have the privilege to present
to you evidence of a new race.
More ancient
of any of the others.
And I have to say, the first
time we caught sight of these. . .
beings. . . I felt lik e Columbus
discovering America .
And the crucial question is :
Are the p y gmies we present. . .
the missing link between
apes and mankind?
These are the most primitive
beings ever been discovered .
It has tak en us many weeks
to study and analyse them.
Their mental faculties are
extremely simple.
Mark edly aggresive.
They lack decency, and their
personal habits are repugnant.
This is the savage
almost animal .