We don't have the coral
in an eight and a half.
So I brought the taupe
and the black.
And this is a similar style
in ivory with a strap.
Oh, I don't want the strap.
I didn't think you would.
I just wanted you to see it.
Yeah, I would just
feel silly with the strap.
I'm a grown woman.
Well, sure. But I'm
contractually obligated...
to at least try to sell you shoes.
How are the boys?
Are you guys all settled in there?
My boys are great.
They're great at being boys.
Kids are so adaptable.
- Am I adaptable?
- Yes.
Yes, well...
they have absolutely no control
over their own lives, so-
But if things were reversed...
you know,
like that movie Freaky Friday...
you can be sure Pam and I would be sent
to our rooms for all our fighting.
Yes, they would give us a time-out...
and tell us we could not come out until we
had really thought about what we had done.
What have we done?
But... there are no time-outs.
There's not enough time
for time-out.
Is the sale just for clothes,
or is it for other things too?
It's a storewide sale.
Fifteen minutes, Sylvie.
How do they feel?
Where are the Braun
handheld blenders...