But if things were reversed...
you know,
like that movie Freaky Friday...
you can be sure Pam and I would be sent
to our rooms for all our fighting.
Yes, they would give us a time-out...
and tell us we could not come out until we
had really thought about what we had done.
What have we done?
But... there are no time-outs.
There's not enough time
for time-out.
Is the sale just for clothes,
or is it for other things too?
It's a storewide sale.
Fifteen minutes, Sylvie.
How do they feel?
Where are the Braun
handheld blenders...
that were advertised
in the Sunday supplement?
- Is it a classic instrument?
- What?
Is it timeless, or is it likely
to go out of style in the next 20 years?
I would say it's a new classic.
But 20 years is a long time.
I think everything's gonna be
computerized in 20 years.
- Soup won't be computerized.
- Why not?
It's a liquid.
Dude, did you just give her
the family discount?
Yeah. She's my neighbor.
I'm trying to work on my karma.
- Do you know what karma means?
- Yeah.
It means that she owes me one.
I love you.