Me and You and Everyone We Know

- Can we come in?
- Yeah, can we come in? We'll be good.

Go eat it outside, Robby.
Okay! I just need to
put on my jacket.

- Can we see your parents' room?
- My parents are separated.

My dad sleeps there.
He'll be home, like, any second.

We're each going to do it, and you
have to tell us what the difference is.

Like, how it feels different
when she does it from when I do it.

Thank you, Rebecca.

You're welcome, Heather.
- But first we need a towel and-
- And a washcloth.

Right. A wet washcloth
and a dry washcloth.

And something sweet,
like a cookie or a piece of candy.

- And a CD player.
- And a Cody ChesnuTT CD.

I don't have that CD.
Uh-oh. That's our favorite music.
So I guess we can't do it.

Oh, but look.
- I have it.
- Go get the stuff.

Don't forget the towel,
the washcloths or the cookie.

- Or candy.
- Or candy.
