Like, how it feels different
when she does it from when I do it.
Thank you, Rebecca.
You're welcome, Heather.
- But first we need a towel and-
- And a washcloth.
Right. A wet washcloth
and a dry washcloth.
And something sweet,
like a cookie or a piece of candy.
- And a CD player.
- And a Cody ChesnuTT CD.
I don't have that CD.
Uh-oh. That's our favorite music.
So I guess we can't do it.
Oh, but look.
- I have it.
- Go get the stuff.
Don't forget the towel,
the washcloths or the cookie.
- Or candy.
- Or candy.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Hey. Ready to do this?
- I am.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Yeah, we're good.
Okay, here are the rules.
You have to keep this pillow
on your face. You can't watch us.
- Okay.
- You can't touch us.
You can't touch our heads.
And we're not going to touch each other.
And you have to tell us
when you're going to "scooch. "
- Okay.
- So, take off your pants.