Melinda and Melinda

And you did say that you had
enough room to put me up.

We were surprised you never showed up.
We had everything ready.

Lee had gotten your room in order.
I apologise for that. I was going through
a kind of confused down period.

I was worried. Lee couldn't figure out
how to get in contact with you.

I'd no idea you were using different names.
What happened?
I thought the worst was over.

- Can I speak openly?
- Of course.

I tried to commit suicide.
You didn't.
I did, and it wasn't a half-hearted attempt.
It wasn't a cry for help.
Why? I thought everything that happened was
past. I thought you'd pulled yourself together.

Because that's what I wrote you,
and some days I honestly thought it.

But in the end,
I just couldn't take it any more.

You didn't find me because I was indisposed.
If you've never been in a state mental hospital
in a straitjacket, I wouldn't recommend one,

especially not the one I was in,
in the Midwest.

I'm overwhelmed.
Are you OK? I mean...
I'm all right. I'm on the road back.
I'm still a little fragile
when everything closes in,

but I get stronger every day.
You know you're welcome to stay here
as long as you like.

- There. How long is she gonna stay?
- Why?

We promised my sister
could stay for Thanksgiving.

- Well, Thanksgiving's not for a while.
- Well, I'm just saying.

- She's trying to pull her life back together.
- She's her own worst enemy.

- You don't know the details.
- Details? What details?

She was married to some doctor.
She had two kids.
