Melinda and Melinda

You didn't find me because I was indisposed.
If you've never been in a state mental hospital
in a straitjacket, I wouldn't recommend one,

especially not the one I was in,
in the Midwest.

I'm overwhelmed.
Are you OK? I mean...
I'm all right. I'm on the road back.
I'm still a little fragile
when everything closes in,

but I get stronger every day.
You know you're welcome to stay here
as long as you like.

- There. How long is she gonna stay?
- Why?

We promised my sister
could stay for Thanksgiving.

- Well, Thanksgiving's not for a while.
- Well, I'm just saying.

- She's trying to pull her life back together.
- She's her own worst enemy.

- You don't know the details.
- Details? What details?

She was married to some doctor.
She had two kids.

What was she doing playing around with...
What was he?

He was a photographer.
Lee's right. Whatever I went through,
I'm responsible for.

Look, we've all been drinking
and we're really tired. It's...

No, he's right.
I was married to a man who loved me
and gave me the two most beautiful children.

That I'm not allowed
to set eyes on them is just proof

of my weakness and my husband's strength.
No. It's disgusting how much influence
he had on the judge.

It's who you know. Life is all networking.
I brought it on myself because I was bored.
I mean, not bored with my children.
God, they were the light of my life.
But I was bored being a doctor's wife,
just as my mother was bored
being a doctor's wife.

Like Madame Bovary.
It's not that St Louis isn't very beautiful.
