Memoirs of a Geisha

Back home a bath is nothin' more than a shower
and a cold towel with a lotta soap. Right?

But here you make everything a ritual don't you?
That is the art of turning habit into pleasure Colonel.

Spoken like a true Geisha. - If we are in business together,
then perhaps we will visit you some day.

I would like to see the United States.
I know a little game we can play,

it's called truth and lies.
I know this game,

back home we call it marriage.
Now listens closely,
Sayuri knows the rules.
Each person says two things.
One is true, the other is not.

If you guess right, the liar pays the price.
So it pays to lose?
There you go.

Ok I go first.
One day in Sapporo, where I was born, a fisherman caught a Token-fish...
This story is the true one,
and I haven't even heard it yet.

If I drown, it's all your fault.
Please, I am no match for these Geisha,
they are expert in the art of deceit.
