it's called truth and lies.
I know this game,
back home we call it marriage.
Now listens closely,
Sayuri knows the rules.
Each person says two things.
One is true, the other is not.
If you guess right, the liar pays the price.
So it pays to lose?
There you go.
Ok I go first.
One day in Sapporo, where I was born, a fisherman caught a Token-fish...
This story is the true one,
and I haven't even heard it yet.
If I drown, it's all your fault.
Please, I am no match for these Geisha,
they are expert in the art of deceit.
I'm an expert in one thing, and one thing only, Sake.
Sayuri, the truest story you know.
Once, when I was a little girl, on the banks of the Sunagawa,
a handsome stranger was kind enough to buy me a cup of sweet ice.
Sayuri, I think we have to stop the game
if Pumpkin drinks any more Sake,
she will pass out.
So, what is the protocol? - Excuse me?
Suppose I wanted to see you in private...
I beg your pardon Colonel,
that is not a Geisha's custom.
If it's a question of price?