
I have put on for island!
Detective, what your role on this paradise island?
To me recommended, as you...
But why?
You us are going to force to ground us to kill, or what?
Better costs{stands}, that you did not know it{him}
I know already some things
What let's know really about you during this moment?
We know, that it{he} it wants to the parents (relatives)
As it proves his{its} numerous tattooes
We know, that it{he} leaves the difficult attitude{relation}
It{He} has not looked at me even two times from our arrival
It is possible, what you are not my type?
We one on island
Trust I I, your type!
We know also, that it{he} solves a crossword puzzle
It proves, that he{it} has some talent
To improve efficiency
That you speak concerning me
Only also does{makes} that I am found out by your figure!
I shall tell, that you play with me, you acr0 (lol)
I shall tell, that I know, that you lay (sleep) with one of guys in this detail (room)
I shall tell, that you have named the leader of a command{team}
Because you him{it} were never at you
And you
You crackle easily under pressure
Your partners cannot have a rest at you
You should not make anything here
All this externally
Nonsenses of 1-st year of psychology
You not, that it!
Who for small dream?
Even the lost (lost) 1 minutes 45!
And dung!
