To improve efficiency
That you speak concerning me
Only also does{makes} that I am found out by your figure!
I shall tell, that you play with me, you acr0 (lol)
I shall tell, that I know, that you lay (sleep) with one of guys in this detail (room)
I shall tell, that you have named the leader of a command{team}
Because you him{it} were never at you
And you
You crackle easily under pressure
Your partners cannot have a rest at you
You should not make anything here
All this externally
Nonsenses of 1-st year of psychology
You not, that it!
Who for small dream?
Even the lost (lost) 1 minutes 45!
And dung!
If you I ðîñòêè I of you óáèâàþ!
I adore to give to eat in ducks
And I see you as you him{it} give to eat
And if them had together?
I leave you only?
There is no it goes
I do not smoke
I know
It for gesture
The certificate of sympathy
And we know all this, that occurs
All this will not make of me one ïðîôèëèðîâàòü!
I shall not manage to surpass it
You believe, what this guy of the rights?
When I was the boy (little girl)
My parents (relatives) have died
One truth dung