Mobsters and Mormons

To the moon.
Do you take your show
on the road?

Go to schools?
Keep kids off drugs?

Because your little puppet show,
very entertaining.

Who do you think is pulling strings?
Clearly, Angelo Marcello
is pulling the strings.

And if he thinks
that you're talking,

you're going to be doing
a lot more time six feet under.

Unless, unless, and I'm just
thinking out loud here, but um...

unless you actually do talk,
then we can at least help you out.

Six accused members
of the Marcello crime family,

including mafia boss
Angelo Marcello,

were found guilty today
of twelve counts of extortion
and racketeering.

Prosecutors credited the victory
to testimony of longtime
Marcello crime family member,

Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale.
Pasquale is now believed
to have entered

the Federal Witness
Protection Program.

Let's go live...
...not being able to see
her great-grandson no more,

Grandma Florentino
is gonna be heartbroken.

Oh, please!
When she came from the old country,
the statue said,

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses..."

Know why they huddled?
She was beatin' the crap out of
everybody with that wooden spoon.

You know what, Carmine?
The place may change,
but you'll always be a jerk.

Will you guys shut up?
Oh! You do not talk
to me like that.

You know what this is?
Rap music.

It breeds disrespect like a fungus.
The names these guys have:
Slim Shady, Puff Daddy.

He goes by P-Diddy for short.
For short?

It takes all day to say "Puff"?
Oh! I'm exhausted.

Look who's talking about names.
They call you Carmine "The Beans."
Yes, because I grind
my own beans for coffee.

A nickname has to be married...
You're no longer known
as "Carmine The Beans."

You're George,
Linda, and Patrick Cheeseman.

What is that, French?

Who's Patrick? Who's George?
Because I ain't no "George."
