Mobsters and Mormons

Grandma Florentino
is gonna be heartbroken.

Oh, please!
When she came from the old country,
the statue said,

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses..."

Know why they huddled?
She was beatin' the crap out of
everybody with that wooden spoon.

You know what, Carmine?
The place may change,
but you'll always be a jerk.

Will you guys shut up?
Oh! You do not talk
to me like that.

You know what this is?
Rap music.

It breeds disrespect like a fungus.
The names these guys have:
Slim Shady, Puff Daddy.

He goes by P-Diddy for short.
For short?

It takes all day to say "Puff"?
Oh! I'm exhausted.

Look who's talking about names.
They call you Carmine "The Beans."
Yes, because I grind
my own beans for coffee.

A nickname has to be married...
You're no longer known
as "Carmine The Beans."

You're George,
Linda, and Patrick Cheeseman.

What is that, French?

Who's Patrick? Who's George?
Because I ain't no "George."

I ain't no "George," either.
I think Linda's a beautiful name.
I always wished my mother
had named me Linda.

Should've named you
"Chatty Kathy."

Just zip it.
I ain't no "Patrick."
They call you "Pat" for short.

"Pat" is a girl's name,
and I ain't no name
that goes both ways.

Look, we have driver's licenses,
birth certificates, bankcards,

social security cards,
and supermarket rewards cards.

They're all made out to George,
Patrick, and Linda Cheeseman.

Well then, I'm going by "Rick,"
because I ain't no "Pat."

So, Agent Banks, where we moving to?
Mr. And Mrs. Cheeseman,
I'm Special Agent Tuttle.

Welcome to Utah.
Okay, the arrangements
have been made for you

to stay in a hotel tonight,
then provide you with a vehicle.
How many wives you got?
Just one.
