I ain't no "George," either.
I think Linda's a beautiful name.
I always wished my mother
had named me Linda.
Should've named you
"Chatty Kathy."
Just zip it.
I ain't no "Patrick."
They call you "Pat" for short.
"Pat" is a girl's name,
and I ain't no name
that goes both ways.
Look, we have driver's licenses,
birth certificates, bankcards,
social security cards,
and supermarket rewards cards.
They're all made out to George,
Patrick, and Linda Cheeseman.
Well then, I'm going by "Rick,"
because I ain't no "Pat."
So, Agent Banks, where we moving to?
Mr. And Mrs. Cheeseman,
I'm Special Agent Tuttle.
Welcome to Utah.
Okay, the arrangements
have been made for you
to stay in a hotel tonight,
then provide you with a vehicle.
How many wives you got?
Just one.
You're not a Mormon?
I am. The Church hasn't
practiced polygamy for 100 years.
It's the offshoot groups
that still have plural wives.
You'd have to shoot me.
Having one is bad enough.
It'd be nice to have more than one.
Give me a break from you.
I'll grab your bags.
We're right out here.
Take a break.
- Fine.
- Go ahead.
Find me somebody else.
Preferably someone without
a mustache and a bad attitude.
This looks like
a whole lot of nothing.
Actually, it was a desert wasteland
when the Mormon Pioneers
arrived in July of 1847.
Under the leadership
of President Brigham Young,
the entire area...
You work for the Park Service
or the FBI?
Patrick, there's a lot to do...
It's Rick!
There's a lot to do
just a day's drive from here.
We've got the Grand Canyon,
there's Hollywood, Disneyland...
My old man promised to take me
and you know what?
Took off and never came back.