No fuss.
I'm not involved with you.
I love it!
Love it!
But it's not fighting.
No, no, it's not fighting at all.
Wink, wink, nod, nod.
I getcha.
Brother Cheeseman,
will you read us a story?
Oh, so you're a brother already?
You know what, sweetheart?
George is visiting.
Let's leave him alone.
Yeah, I can uh, yeah,
I can read a story to children.
What is this?
"The Three Little Pigs?"
I don't need a book.
I know this story!
You ready to hear it?
All right.
Once upon a time there were
three little pigs:
Antonio, Joseppi, and Fredo.
Antonio, he lived in a straw house.
Joseppi lived in a stick house.
And Fredo, nice brick house
with the cobblestone driveway
and the lights underneath
that show the trees at night...
adds to the curb appeal.
One day, Antonio,
in the straw house,
is sittin' around,
pickin' his teeth,
watchin' television,
when he hears a knock on the door.
It's a soft knock.
The door's made of straw.
Outside he hears,
"Big Bad Wolf,
"I'm here to collect
my protection money."
This is money that the wolf charges
them every month not to eat them.
Protection money.
They'd give money in an envelope.
Antonio was just sick of it.
He doesn't want to pay the wolf.
So Antonio says, "Forget it!
I'm not payin' you anymore!"
Now, this of course,
makes the wolf very irate.
So, he says, "I am gonna huff,
I am gonna puff,
and I am gonna b-b-b-b-blow
your house down!"
Antonio is very, very upset,
and the wolf huffs
and he puffs... blows it down.
Now, Antonio is losing
his little pig mind,
running around
screaming and yelling.
His house is ruined.
He's got no insurance.
He runs
to his buddy Joseppi's house.
Boom, boom, boom.
Joseppi, let me in!
The wolf just...
- "He blew it d..."
- "Yes, he blew it down!
Come on inside, sit down,
have an espresso, relax."