At least you have a satellite
dish to entertain you.
You saw that?
Your secret's safe with me.
Hey, no boys in the room.
You know the rules.
That was at home.
I didn't know that applied here.
Same family, same rules.
I'm sorry, sir.
I didn't mean to disrespect.
You didn't know.
Listen, we've got cake. Come on.
I'm watching my weight.
Watch it downstairs with us.
Let's go.
Rick, have you thought about
going out for sports
at the high school?
- Uh, no, probably not.
- Really?
You seem like the kind of guy
they could use.
Like what kind of sports?
You know, the regular ones.
Baseball, basketball, wrestling...
You mean like, you know,
busting heads, fightin'?
Well, it's not like on TV.
No, no, no.
It's fighting.
The beauty is,
it's sanctioned by the school.
They let you!
Beat the crap out of kids,
and I don't get calls
from some p.o.'d
vice principal sayin',
"Your kid beat up this one,
he threatened this guy over here."
No fuss.
I'm not involved with you.
I love it!
Love it!
But it's not fighting.
No, no, it's not fighting at all.
Wink, wink, nod, nod.
I getcha.
Brother Cheeseman,
will you read us a story?
Oh, so you're a brother already?
You know what, sweetheart?
George is visiting.
Let's leave him alone.
Yeah, I can uh, yeah,
I can read a story to children.
What is this?
"The Three Little Pigs?"
I don't need a book.
I know this story!
You ready to hear it?
All right.
Once upon a time there were
three little pigs:
Antonio, Joseppi, and Fredo.
Antonio, he lived in a straw house.
Joseppi lived in a stick house.
And Fredo, nice brick house
with the cobblestone driveway
and the lights underneath
that show the trees at night...
adds to the curb appeal.