Here, the vine is all-important.
In Paris, it may be factories
and all that,
but here it's the vine.
Do you know who'll give us
the real scoop on Aniane?
Mrs Gay.
Hello, Dog.
He's not a mean dog.
Without getting into politics
or cheap anti-Americanism,
we would've done the same
with Depardieu, who's here now.
Whether it's Mondavi, Rothschild,
or someone from Bordeaux,
for us the problem was the same.
Our fight was against
the deforestation of those hills.
They're among the last barriers
protecting towns like us
from Montpellier's urban sprawl.
It was the swindling
of the whole village.
As always in history,
God sent a lucky break:
Municipal elections.
That same year.
The eyes of the world are on us,
because we fought back
against Mondavi.
We're the tiny village
that resisted a huge power.
One day, we found out,
from the papers,
that an American billionaire
was moving in on Aniane:
- You found out from the papers?
- The newspapers!
So you see, we were never warned.
Things were going on
behind our backs.
I honestly believed