
They're among the last barriers
protecting towns like us

from Montpellier's urban sprawl.
It was the swindling
of the whole village.

As always in history,
God sent a lucky break:
Municipal elections.
That same year.
The eyes of the world are on us,
because we fought back
against Mondavi.

We're the tiny village
that resisted a huge power.

One day, we found out,
from the papers,

that an American billionaire
was moving in on Aniane:

- You found out from the papers?
- The newspapers!

So you see, we were never warned.
Things were going on
behind our backs.

I honestly believed
that Mondavi's move here
would be a fantastic boon

for the region
and the wines of the Languedoc.

After that, I tried
to get the project going. Period.

What deal would I have made?
If I had made a deal, it would've
been with them, with Mondavi!

Who else?
So the elections:
Something incredible happened.

It's very rare in France, where
people are so politically minded.

Here, they forgot politics.
There was one honest man in Aniane.

He's a communist.
The old mayor had a deal
with the Mondavis.

- And Guibert?
- He was with us.

But for different reasons.
He saw Mondavi as a competitor.
It seems Mondavi tried
to buy him out.

Since the Mondavis are extreme,
