Excuse me?
W-wait wait wait.
What do we have there?
Oh, um, balls.
Uh, shrimp balls.
Um, shrimp in...
I'm sorry,
but we're not really
into fish genitalia.
Yeah, okay.
Was she really listening
to our conversation?
Excuse me.
Wait a second.
Um, so I know two things
about you... you work in catering,
and you have a lot of dogs.
Oh, that... no.
Uh, I'm a dog walker.
I'm not some crazy dog-lady
with 12,000 dogs.
- That's why.
- And I'm sorry about before.
I didn't mean
to be eavesdropping.
Well, you're right.
You shouldn't have.
You should have stayed
and talked to me.
Well, your girlfriend
seemed pretty offended.
Oh no, that's...
that's not my girlfriend.
I-I don't have a...
I'm sing...
I don't have
a girlfriend.
Nothing. Um, I'm Charlie.
Charlotte, but Charlie.
Well, I'm... I'm Kevin.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too.
What? What does
"uh-oh" mean?
It looks like someone else
is mowing your lawn, Fiona.
I'm gonna go
destroy these.
Excuse me.
I'll see you guys.
Oh, my shoes
are killing me
which means
they must look fabulous.
Can I get you anything?
One of him on a platter.
Such a waste.
What's a waste?
Oh, you didn't know?