# You thought you hadfound a good girl #
# One to love youand give you the world #
# Now you findthat you've been misused #
# Talk to me,I'll do what you choose #
# I want you to #
# Tell Mama #
# All about it #
# Tell Mama #
# What you need #
# Tell Mama #
# What you want #
# And I'll make everythingall right #
# That girl you haddidn't have no sense #
# She wasrt won'thall the time that you spent #
# She had another manthrow you outdoors #
# Now the same manis wearing your clothes #
# I want youto tell Mama #
# Tell Mama #
# What you want #
# And I'll make everythingall right... #
Hi, it's Charlie.Leave a message.
Hi, Charlie. It's Carolfrom the LA Temp Agency.
Listen, Dr. Batel's office needs youfor tomorrow. Is that okay?
Let me know. Bye.
Good morning, neighbor.
Hey.Help yourself.
Oh, thanks.I was out of everything.
Aw, why do I even bother?
You know, Remy, I gave youthat key for emergencies.
Extreme emergencies.
It was.I needed caffeine.