
Now I'm being replaced
by a young thing

whose grandmother
loves me.

You know what
I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna finish out
my contract

and I'm gonna leave this show
with my dignity intact.

Okay, coming back
from commercial.

Three, cue announcer.
Today on "Public Intimacy,"
pop singing sensation
Tanya Murphy.

And now we're live
with Viola Fields.

Four, three, two...
Well, that was
very nice.

My goodness, you have a big voice
for such a tiny girl.

You're gonna miss
Viola Fields.

Have you always
been a singer?

Ever since I was
a child.

I would sing
in school plays, choirs.

- How old are you?
- I'll be 17 next month.

W-what do you do for fun?
I love watching
really old movies.

- They're my favorite.
- Really? Really, which ones?

Well, "Grease"
and "Grease II."

Um, "Benji."
I love "Benji."

"Free Willy," um...
"Legally Blonde,"
"The Little Mermaid."
- Oh.
- Yeah... oh, I know.

You ever read
a newspaper?

Viola, the girl
has stars on her nipples.

I don't have
much time for that.

So basically, you have absolutely
no idea what's going on in the world?

- Oh, l...
- And yet, you've sold

over five million albums... CDs,
to millions of kids

- who listen to your insipid lyrics.
- What is she doing?

"You want to know me,
look in my makeup bag."

You're influencing
an entire generation of kids

who won't know how
to think straight,

or vote for a president,
or remember the significance
of Roe versus Wade.

Oh! I don't support
boxing as a sport.

I think
it's too violent.

Y'all better get that
little girl out of there.
