Call me old-fashioned,
marriage is a sacred union
that should only be entered into
with the utmost care.
Werert you married
four times?
Yes, dear.
Which would make me an expert,
don't you think?
Excuse me.
It's the hospital.
I'll be right back.
You want me to go
with you?
No, stay right there.
You know, this is as sudden
for me as it is for you.
It's too sudden, right?
You think?
I mean, what's the rush?
It's not like the old days
where you had to get married
and have kids,
and have it all figured out
by the time you were 21.
- Exactly.
- We have options now.
And I've always liked
having my options, you know?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
This is so... big.
What am l...
what am I doing?
I love Kevin.
I want to spend the rest
of my life with him.
Oh my God!
I'm getting married!
Ruby, I need a bottle of champagne.
We're going to celebrate.
May I have the key
to the liquor cabinet please?
What key?
The key, Ruby.
There's no key.
Ruby, give me the key.
You want to take this