Fiona, what are you doing here?
I'm dressing.
Why don't you let me give you
a hand with that?
Give it up, Fiona.
You know, you and I had
a very strong bond once.
No, you and I had
very strong drinks once.
That's not true.
Kiss me. I'll remind you
how good it was.
What are you doing?
I'm engaged.
I'm happy.
It's gonna fit!
Why did she get me
such a small dress?
I have two asses.
It'll fit.
There we go.
Okay! Okay!
What is it about her
that's so special?
I don't know but I plan on spending
the rest of my life finding out.
God! Men in love
are really hot.
Oops! Um...
I was just giving Kevin
a congratulatory kiss.
Don't, uh, worry.
Why would I worry?
He's gay, right?
Charlie, that was not
what it looked like.
I'm going home.
I've destroyed
priceless couture.
I embarrassed myself
in front of 70% of the world's royalty.
Oh! I forgot, yeah!
I just caught you making out
with your ex-girlfriend.
Charlie, let me explain.
It doesn't matter.