Must Love Dogs

The best place to meet a guy
is the supermarket,

You see a guy holding a list,
you know he's married,

He's in the frozen-food section
carrying a small basket, he's single,

l hang out by fruits and vegetables,
Better chance of getting a guy who's healthy,

Probably the best place
is Home Depot or any hardware store,

You just walk up
to the cutest guy and say:

''Do you know where l can get nailed?
l mean, nails?

Pardon me,
l've been drinking all afternoon,''

And that way he knows,
one, that you're easy,,,

,,,and two, that you like to drink,
l thought a great place to meet girls would
be night school where they teach English,

Because these girls
would be from foreign lands,,,

,,,and maybe still a little disoriented
from the journey,,,

,,,and l would look attractive
because l speak English very goodly,

But in the end,
it did not work out as l had hoped,

l mean, basically, l was told to
take a hike in 1 4 languages,

Where do you meet people?
l don't know, they're everywhere,
