You see a guy holding a list,
you know he's married,
He's in the frozen-food section
carrying a small basket, he's single,
l hang out by fruits and vegetables,
Better chance of getting a guy who's healthy,
Probably the best place
is Home Depot or any hardware store,
You just walk up
to the cutest guy and say:
''Do you know where l can get nailed?
l mean, nails?
Pardon me,
l've been drinking all afternoon,''
And that way he knows,
one, that you're easy,,,
,,,and two, that you like to drink,
l thought a great place to meet girls would
be night school where they teach English,
Because these girls
would be from foreign lands,,,
,,,and maybe still a little disoriented
from the journey,,,
,,,and l would look attractive
because l speak English very goodly,
But in the end,
it did not work out as l had hoped,
l mean, basically, l was told to
take a hike in 1 4 languages,
Where do you meet people?
l don't know, they're everywhere,
Why, is there a problem?
No, No way,
l'm not going out with this guy,
Just call him, Say hello,
He's in my book club,
-Why is there a woman here?
-lt's his wife,
They're separated, but he didn't want
to Photoshop her out,,,
,,,if you're not interested,
They are in Hawaii,
lt's the Four Seasons,
This could be you in the photograph,
-Well, if you change your mind,
-l've got a picture too,
ls that why you're all here?
The whole family?
-Everyone has a picture for me?
-This is an intervention, Sarah,
-He's great,
-A beautiful girl like you can't just give up,
There's life after divorce,
You were married to the same woman
for 45 years, Dad,
-What do you know about divorce?
-Precious little, l admit,
The black specter of two lives
torn asunder,
Not helping, Dad,
l wish your mother were here,
God rest her soul,
-She'd know what to say,
-''Put on another pot of tea,''
That's what she'd say,
The lrish answer to all problems,