Must Love Dogs

''l like to skydive, ride motorcycles
and enjoy rodeo,''

But you don't do any of those things,
lt's an ad, lt's like those cars that say
they get 30 miles to the gallon,

l mean, who knows,
You just want someone
to take you out for a test drive,

l'm not comfortable advertising myself
this way,

Honey, when you get to be my age
and approaching your expiration date,,,

,,,it pays to advertise,
This baby never sleeps,

lt's working for me 24 hours a day,
God bless its little Pentium-chip heart,

So tell me about your ex,
Kevin, He's a fireman,
And cute, Very, very cute,
l have the calendars,
We met when l was dating
all my brothers' friends,

My first two husbands were friends
of my brother Dave,

Both of them bastards,
But then, so was my brother Dave,

Things seemed to be going according
to plan with me and Kevin,

We had our work, we got a house,
then it was time to have kids,

But he was never ready,
l was 34, Then 35, then 36,
Then instead of children, Kevin decided
to have Veronica, Ronnie,

Chatty as hell and 1 5 years younger,
They got married two months ago,
Did l mention that she's pregnant?
Go get it,
-What are you doing in the real world?
-Dogsitting, My brother and his wife,,,

,,,are at marriage counseling, They don't
want her to know they're having trouble,

You're a dog guy,
You kidding me? l'm half Labrador,
Throw that ball, See who gets it,

-l found him, l found the one l want!

-l found my puppy!
-You did?

-l'm getting a puppy!
-You are? That's amazing!

-lt's so exciting!
-l'm so happy for you,
