Must Love Dogs

But he was never ready,
l was 34, Then 35, then 36,
Then instead of children, Kevin decided
to have Veronica, Ronnie,

Chatty as hell and 1 5 years younger,
They got married two months ago,
Did l mention that she's pregnant?
Go get it,
-What are you doing in the real world?
-Dogsitting, My brother and his wife,,,

,,,are at marriage counseling, They don't
want her to know they're having trouble,

You're a dog guy,
You kidding me? l'm half Labrador,
Throw that ball, See who gets it,

-l found him, l found the one l want!

-l found my puppy!
-You did?

-l'm getting a puppy!
-You are? That's amazing!

-lt's so exciting!
-l'm so happy for you,

-Let's go get him!
-We'll be right behind you, bubba,

-Thought it'd be good for him,
-Great idea, Yeah,

l was gonna ask you
if you thought he was too young,

-But it's a good age, right?
-l think so, Yes,

-A boy needs a dog, right?

Who else is gonna eat
his vegetables for him?

l can't tell you what it means to me
that Austin's so happy in school,

He's just lucky to have you in his life,
We both are,
l found him, Dad, l found my puppy,
Come on in, he wants to kiss you!

Oh, l think you're gonna need
a bigger trailer,

-So l know our dates aren't beginning,,,

,,,or ending well,
but l find the middle intriguing,

-Well, it's not dull, is it?
-That's a good thing, right?

So, what do you say?
You want to get together?
