Do you know him
or something?
I met Wendy Peterson
when I was ten.
She was eleven, one grade
ahead of me in school.
What are you doing?
Damn. No razor.
You're insane.
If I wasn't queer we would
have ended up having...
sloppy teenage sex and
getting pregnant...
contributing more fucked up,
unwanted kids to society.
But instead, she
became my soulmate.
And...one true
partner in crime.
Let's kidnap him.
His mom says we're
supposed to take him home.
Where are you taking me?
A house with lots
and lots of candy.
These are the eyes of the
Axe Murderer's victims.
-Come on, Satan.
-Hurry up, Chicken.
I never much cared
for Halloween,
but this particular year,
I couldn't shake the feeling...
that something
horrible was gonna happen.
And there was nothing
I could do to stop it.
Wait outside for me.
I'll be done in a minute.
You hold him while
I go get something.
-What are we gonna do?
-Have some fun.
-What's the matter, Satan?
-What did you say, Punk?