These are the eyes of the
Axe Murderer's victims.
-Come on, Satan.
-Hurry up, Chicken.
I never much cared
for Halloween,
but this particular year,
I couldn't shake the feeling...
that something
horrible was gonna happen.
And there was nothing
I could do to stop it.
Wait outside for me.
I'll be done in a minute.
You hold him while
I go get something.
-What are we gonna do?
-Have some fun.
-What's the matter, Satan?
-What did you say, Punk?
What a loser!
I thought that was you.
Lie down.
Lie down, retard.
What are you doing?
Shut up!
Shut up, or we'll kill you.
Point the beam over here.
Open your mouth.
I said open your mouth.
Keep these in your
fucking mouth.
You better do what we say,
or I'll kill you, I swear.
Give me the matches.