I'm sorry we've lost contact.
That's what happens.
I don't know
what I could have done differently.
- Are you going to cry now?
- No.
- What does this Asger guy do?
- He's learning to become a tattooist.
- And he's a bouncer.
- Where?
Here and there.
- I'm glad I found you.
- Why?
I've been looking for you.
All my letters were returned.
- I thought you couldn't care less.
- Why?
Is it really necessary
to answer that question?
It hasn't been easy. There were
so many things I wanted to do.
It was hard
to make everything fit in.
Maybe we could put all that
behind us and start afresh?
- Afresh?
- Yes.
I'm 23. Don't you find it odd
that I'm so much smarter than you?
- You could move back home.
- It's not my home.
You could go to college.
Get an education.
Why not live your life with fucking
Hans Jørgen and leave me alone?
- Maria, you're not feeling well.
- No, I'm not.